
The EIRENÈ: Center of Postcolonial and Decolonial Research and Practice applied to International Relations and International Law organizes the following research and outreach activities:

  1. The Support Center for Immigrants and Refugees (NAIR) is an outreach/extension project developed by EIRENÈ

Description: NAIR promotes its activities together with the Center of Information and Assistance for Immigrants and Refugees (CRAI), an entity established through the Social Action of the Archdiocese (ASA)


  • Attend to immigrants and refugees daily at the CRAI SC headquarters
  • Advise CRAI on International Humanitarian Law (DIH), and on other legal, consular, and diplomatic matters
  • Promote courses and lectures about Migration, Refugees, International Humanitarian Law, Consular and Diplomatic Law
  • Create a data bank of migrants and refugees in Florianopolis
  • Perform concrete actions in the areas of protection and integration of immigrants and refugees
  • Act in concert with GAIRF and the Working Group on Migration of the Legislative Assembly of Santa Catarina to lobby municipal and state politicians
  • Implement actions planned by the Sérgio Vieira de Mello Chair/UN
  • Prepare the Information Booklet on Human Rights and Diplomatic and Consular Law
  • Execute campaigns collecting clothes and hygienic products for immigrants in vulnerable situations

EIRENÈ is a member of the Support Group for Immigrants and Refugees of Florianopolis and Surrounding areas (GARIF) and participates in the Working Group on Migrants of the Legislative Assembly of Santa Catarina

The Outreach Program is held at the headquarters of CRAI, R. Ten. Silveira, 225, Ed. Hércules, sala 01- Centro, Florianopolis

Hours of operation: Monday to Friday: 9am – 12pm and 2 – 5pm

  1. Group of Studies and Research
  • Annual Seminar of Scientific Research in Law and International Relations
  1. Sérgio Vieira de Mello Chair, in partnership with UNHCR/UN
  2. Jean Monnet Chair, in partnership with European Union
  3. International Relations Laboratory

Description: Simulation of International Organizations – Model UN and Model EU


Target Audience: undergraduate and graduate students and professors of Law and International Relations and related areas

General objective: The objective of EIRENÈ is to develop research and emancipatory practice in the areas of International Law and International Relations from critical decolonial and postcolonial epistemologies


The surveys are related to the following topics:

  • The role of International Organizations in the promotion of peace and human rights and International Humanitarian Law
  • African studies and of the place of Africa in International Relations
  • Diasporas, places of refuge, and migrations
  • Regional integration in South America, Africa, and Europe, with emphasis on political and social themes from the perspective of the promotion of human rights.

The Center is linked to the International Relations course under the Economic Sciences and International Relations Department and the Law course


EIRENÈ: Goddess of peace in Greek mythology